Activation Station

Take control of your Life

Activation Station

motivational speaking - p.h.d.

There’s nothing like speaking to the world – sharing extraordinary information and detailed steps on how to change your life. There are a lot of people that can motivate you. There are a few that can stimulate you. But there’s only ONE that can ACTIVATE you: that’s the person in the mirror! 

When I speak, I incorporate what I call the P.H.D.’s – be Passionate – be Hungry – be Driven.

I start with motivation – gets the blood flowing & electrifies the energy in the room – just like a pep rally. 



Then I move to Stimulation – that’s the act of feeding the mind, tearing down the weak structures in your life and helping you find strength to finally face your truth. Once that happens, that’s when the MAGIC in the room goes to another level!

The last step is ACTIVATION. This step is the MOST IMPORTANT step. 

This is where you get the true recipe on how to create and build your happiness DAILY. 

Most people will only speak about motivation – making you feel good about who you are and where you are in your life. But in my PHD MasterClass, I come with a different strategy. I always want you to see what you reflect in this world. Character. Loyalty. Commitment. Respect. Faith. And how important TEAM WORK IS to obtaining the true happiness we all desire. Personal trainers can make your body  better. There are personal chefs to make you eat better. There are Coaches to help you play better. There are doctors to make you feel better. 

And then there’s ME…that makes you DO better! Get up…Get OUT… & DO SOMETHING with YOUR life. Understand that YOU’RE ALREADY VALID – so STOP looking for validation! NO MORE procrastination! HERE’S the LAUNCHING PAD TO TAKE FLIGHT AND SPREAD YOUR WINGS LIKE AN EAGLE AND SOAR… #EAGLE LIFE!! SIGHT is a blessing; VISION is a GIFT!

lets start a conversation

I’m glad you stopped by to get to know me, because I CAN’T WAIT to get to know you!